How to install Krisp in VDI?

Krisp is offering support to VDI infrastructure and this article will help you install Krisp in VDI.

How can Krisp be installed in VDI?

Krisp can be installed in VDI in the following ways:

  1. Installed directly on the VDI.
  2. Installed on the endpoint and the krisp drivers will be passed over to your VDI environment. 

VM requirements

Environment Minimum requirements Recommended requirements CPU size
AWS t3 medium t3 xLarge 4 vCPU recommended, 2 vCPU minimum
Azure Standard_B2ms Standard_B4ms 4 vCPU recommended, 2 vCPU minimum
On Premise 2 vCPU w/ 2 GB Ram 4 vCPU w/ 4GB Ram 4 vCPU Xeon Gold



The benchmark is based on Krisp running with a WebRTC softphone and a web-based CRM tool. For additional applications, consider running a benchmark in your environment. These requirements are specifically for when Krisp is installed directly in VDI environment.

Supported VDI Software and Devices

Below is a list of software and their compatibility with VDI.

Software Compatibility
Citrix XenDesktop - Single session Supported
Citrix Workspace - Single session Supported
VMWare Horizon Supported
AWS Workspace Supported
Citrix Workspace - Multi-User session Supported*
Citrix XenDesktop - Multi-User session Supported*
Windows Remote Desktop Connection Not Supported

*Multi-user sessions will require the installation of the Krisp app on the endpoint.

Here's a breakdown of common client devices and their compatibility with Krisp in a VDI setup.

Thick / Thin clients Compatibility
Windows 10 Supported
elux Supported
Mac OSX Supported
ChromeBook Not Supported

Contact our support team at and our team will assist you in designing and recommending the optimal solution for your specific use case. Taking into consideration factors such as the environment and available bandwidth, we can help you devise a solution that maximizes cost-effectiveness while utilizing your system resources efficiently.

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