Users page in Pro Admin Portal

  Who can use this?

Users: Pro (only Admins)

As an admin of a Krisp Pro team, you will see the Users page in the Admin Portal. This page gives an overview of the current status and activity of your team users and lets you manage them.

Users page

Here is what you will see on Users page.

team copy.png

Let's go deeper into the 3 main sections.

Section 1



Total assigned seats

This number shows how many users have assigned seats in the team. This includes the owner of the account.
The unassigned seats can be assigned to new users by the option Invite more users. Check out the Inviting users to your Pro team article to see how you can invite users to your team.

Pending invitation

This number shows how many of the added users have not yet accepted your invitation to join the team.

The Resend invites button lets you re-send invitation emails at once to all those users.

Never used the app

This number shows how many of the added users have not logged in to the Krisp desktop app with their team account.

The Send instructions button lets you send the steps to login to all those users at once.

Section 2



The Search field lets you search for the already added users by email addresses. 

More filters


By clicking More filters the team admin can filter the users by these parameters:

  • Status
  • Last call date
  • Role

When clicking Select users from CSV the team admin can upload a CSV file to perform the following bulk actions:

  • Remove from team
  • Change role
  • Download report

Section 3


You'll see all the invited users' emails, status, last active date, and role here.

User email

By checking the boxes next to the user's email or bulk selecting them from the checkbox at the top, the team admin can perform the following actions in bulk:

  • Remove from team - allows removing the selected users in bulk from the team.
  • Change role - allows changing the selected users’ roles in bulk.
  • Download report
    • Download CSV - will download the CSV file of usage for only selected users.
    • Send a usage email - will send an email with usage data of only selected users.



The Status column indicates what stage of the joining process a user is in.

  • Active >>> the user accepted the invitation and signed in to the app.

  • Invitation sent >>> the user hasn't accepted the invitation.

  • Pending app login >>> the user accepted the invitation but hasn’t signed in to the app yet.

  • Signed in with app >>> the user signed in to the app a long time ago and the data is already archived.

Last call

The Last call column shows the last time the user was signed in to Krisp.

  • Pending >>> The user didn't join the Krisp team.

  • Not active >>> The user joined the Krisp team but didn't use Krisp app.

  • Recently >>> The user was active during the last 3 days.

  • Last 7 days >>> The user was active during the last 7 days.

  • Last 30 days >>> The user was active during the last 30 days.

  • More than 30 days >>> The user was last active more than 30 days ago.


The Role column shows which role a certain team member has at your team. Based on their accesses and privileges there can be 2 types of roles:

  • User >>> The user has basic access to the Krisp app and a limited web dashboard.
  • Admin >>> The user has full access to Krisp app and web dashboard.

Member information


Click on the arrow next to the user information line to go to the Member information.


Here you can see the invitation acceptance stages and dates. Depending on the stage, you will see the following information:

  • Date when the invitation was accepted.
  • Date when the user first signed in to the app.
  • Information about invitation expiration.

You can also perform the following actions from the Member information tab:

  • Change the user role from the dropdown menu.
  • Resend invite >>> click on this button to resend the invitation to a user that hasn’t accepted the invitation or when the invitation has expired.
  • Send instructions >>> click on this button to send the app setup instructions to the user’s email.
  • Remove from team >>> click on this button to remove the user from the team and free the seat.


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