Who can use this feature?
Plan: Enterprise (only Admins)
Managed from: Admin Portal
Download users as CSV
If you need a CSV of your team members with their current status and creation date, follow these steps:
- Log in to your Admin Portal >>> Users page.
- Select the user(s) by checking the box next to the email(s).
- Click Download CSV.
The CSV file will include the following information:
- Role
- Status
- Invite date
- Join date
- Last call date
- Log in to your Admin Portal >>> Devices page.
- Select the device(s) by checking the box next to the hostname(s).
- Click Download CSV.
The CSV file will include the following information:
- Hostname
- Description
- App Version
- Last Active
- Set up Date
- Status
Download Blocked Devices as CSV
- Log in to your Admin Portal >>> Devices >>> Blocked Devices page.
- Select the Blocked Devices you want to include by ticking the checkbox next to each device's hostname.
- Click Download CSV button located in the bottom panel, which becomes available once you've selected the devices.
The CSV file will include the following information:
- Hostname
- Description
- Date Blocked