Billing page in Pro Admin Portal

Who can use this?

From plan: Pro(only admins)

As an admin of a Krisp Pro team, on your Billing page you will have an overview of your subscription plan and information about the payment details and history. You can also do seat management from this page. 

Before you go on, we suggest you read about the billing logic for the team account.

This page gives an overview of your subscription plan and information about the payment details and history. You can also do seat management from this page. 

Here is what you will see:


1. Plan details

Here you will see the overview of your subscription plan, its renewal date, and the amount to be paid.

By clicking on Manage subscription you’ll be redirected to this page which showcases the price and the details of the plan you are currently subscribed to.


You can cancel your subscription by clicking on Downgrade to free plan. Check the Cancel the subscription for your Krisp account article for more information.

2. Seat management

Here you will see the overall number of seats in your team and how many of them are unassigned. Check the Add users to your Krisp team article to see how you can invite more users to your team.

You can also perform the following actions from the Seat Management tab:

  • Add seats 
  • Remove seats

Check the Adding seats to your team and Removing seats from your Krisp team articles for the instructions.


2. Payment method

Here you will see the details of the payment method attached to your account.

Check the Change the payment method for your Krisp account article if you want to change your payment method. 


4. Invoice history

Here you will see the date and the amount of the last invoices. You can open PDF files of each invoice, by clicking on Invoice



If you need to add any specific details to your invoice, send a request to our support team at  

Have more questions? Submit a request

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