Checking the app versions in your team

Who can use this feature?

Users: Enterprise (only admins)
Platform: Mac, Windows

This article explains why and how the team admins can check their team members' app versions.


How to check the app versions in your team?

To check what version your team users are on and ensure that they are always up-to-date, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Admin Portal.
  2. Go to the Analytics >>> Versions tab.

On the Versions tab, you will see your team users’ list along with their last installed Krisp version and last used date. The chart on the left shows how the versions are distributed within your team.


Take action towards updating Krisp for the users on older versions for their best experience.


You can sort the app versions from the oldest to the newest by clicking on Last Installed Version. This will help to see the users on older versions first and update their Krisp app.

Get notified about old versions of Krisp within your team

Whenever a significant number of your team members are on old/expired versions, you, as an admin, will see a similar notification on the Analytics page of your Admin Dashboard:

By clicking on the number of team users, you’ll be redirected to the Versions tab, where you can see the list of those users. It is recommended to update those users’ apps to ensure they always use the most current and supported Krisp version.


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