Install Krisp through Terminal

Who can use this feature?

Users: users on Pro/Free plans
Platform: Mac, Windows 

You can choose to install/update Krisp through Terminal when you want to mass deploy Krisp on your team members' Mac/Windows devices.


Who can install Krisp through Terminal?

Anyone with admin access would be able to install Krisp through Terminal on Mac/Windows. The option is intended for the IT team with admin access to run shell scripts to install/update Krisp remotely and in bulk.


Install Krisp through Terminal using a command line

Krisp can be installed by the admin both on a system level and a user level.

Mac Windows
Install on a system level

To install Krisp on a system level, follow these steps:

  1. Before executing the installation command, make sure you have downloaded the Krisp installer package from your Krisp account dashboard.
  2. Open Terminal window, type or copy-paste the following command sudo installer -pkg and press space.
  3. Copy the path of the downloaded Krisp installer package. To do that, right-click on the installer package and hold the option key until you see copy  krisp_x.x.x_x64.pkg as a pathname.
  4. Go to Terminal, paste the pathname right after the sudo installer -pkg command, press space and write -target / at the end.
  5. Your final installation command should look something like this:
    sudo installer -pkg ~/Downloads/krisp_2.25.3_arm64.pkg -target /
  6. Execute the command by clicking Enter and Krisp will be instanly installed on your Mac device.

install user level.gif

Install on a user level
To install Krisp on a user level, follow these steps:

  1. Before executing the installation command, make sure you have downloaded the Krisp installer package from your Krisp account dashboard.
  2. Open Terminal window, type or copy-paste the following command installer -pkg and press space.
  3. Copy the path of the downloaded Krisp installer package. To do that, right-click on the installer package and hold the option key until you see copy  krisp_x.x.x_x64.pkg as a pathname.
  4. Go to Terminal, paste the pathname right after the installer -pkg command, press space and write -target CurrentUserHomeDirectory at the end.
  5. Your final installation command should look something like this: 

    installer -pkg ~/Downloads/krisp_2.25.3_arm64.pkg -target CurrentUserHomeDirectory

  6. Execute the command by clicking Enter and Krisp will be instanly installed on your Mac device.


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