Who can face this issue?
Users: users on all plans
Platform: Web
Why you see the "I am not a robot" message?
We work hard to keep Krisp safe and secure, so we use safety features like Google's ReCaptcha. This is why you sometimes see the "I am not a robot" message when you sign in or sign up. It's a common step designed to protect your security and the integrity of our platform.
This article will help you understand what you should do once you see the "I am not a robot" message.
How to pass the "I am not a robot" message?
This is how you get the message in our Krisp sign in/up page.
Check the "I'm not a robot" box and click on Sign in/Sign up once again.
In some cases, the checkbox might not be enough proof for the service. In that case, you will get ReCaptcha challenges to solve (ex: mark all images with traffic lights on them). They will be easy to handle for a human and show that the user is not a bot.
Understanding reCaptcha
The “I am not a robot” message is part of the Google ReCaptcha service. Its primary function is to use advanced risk analysis to safeguard websites from harmful activities. Here are a few reasons why you might encounter the ReCaptcha:
- Google detected your actions as potentially automated or bot-like.
- Someone else on your network might be displaying bot-like behavior.
- You're using a VPN, which can sometimes appear suspicious to the system.
- Other unspecified reasons.
It's worth noting that the specific logic behind ReCaptcha's triggers isn't always transparent.
While the ReCaptcha step might appear to be an added task, it plays a critical role in ensuring the security of our platform. By confirming you're human, you help us maintain the safety, integrity, and genuine user experience of Krisp.If you ever face any issues or have questions about this process, contact our Support Team at support@krisp.ai.