Sharing your meetings with Krisp

Who can use this feature?

Users: users on Free, Pro plans
From version: Krisp 2.23.4
Managed from: Account dashboard

To learn more about how Krisp provides concise transcripts of your meetings and creates in-depth meeting notes, check out the AI Meeting Assistant article.

By Sharing your meetings, you can seamlessly provide team members and meeting participants with access to the Transcription, Meeting Notes, and Recording of the meeting.

By generating a shareable link or using advanced sharing settings, you can ensure that vital information is easily accessible, while also maintaining control over who views the content.

How to share Meeting Notes?

You can share your meetings, by following these steps:

  1. Go to My Meetings page from your Krisp web dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the meeting you want to share.
  3. Click on the Share button in the upper right corner.



There's no restriction on the number of notes to share for both Free and Pro plan users.

Meetings sharing options

Users can be given view access to Summary or Everything (Transcript, Summary, and Recording if available).

Invite only

This option restricts meeting access to invited users only via email. 
Once shared, the recipient(s) will receive a link via email to the shared meeting and can view it.

You, as a meeting owner, will be able to see who has access to your meeting by clicking on the 

Anyone in your Krisp team
To share your meeting with everyone in your Krisp team, select the following option from the General access dropdown list: 

everone at team.gif

Once you share your meeting with anyone in your Krisp team, they will have View access by default. You can later change the access.
Anyone with the link


You will need to manually copy the meeting link and share it with your team members.


Users who have access to the meeting through the link, will have View access to it by default. You can later change the access.

Users with access to the meeting

You, as a meeting owner, can always check who has access to the meeting, and in case of necessity revoke the access.

To check who has access to the Meeting Note and/or revoke the access from others:

  1. Click on the Share button from the meeting page.
  2. Check which option of access is chosen and change it how you want. 


  3. You can also remove access to the previously shared meeting via email(s). In this case, you should do it one by one as shown below:

    delete access.gif

Collaborative meetings

Whenever you share meetings with team members, they'll appear with "Collaborative" type on the My Meeting page of your Krisp account dashboard.


You'll see the "Collaborative" type for meetings shared with you for editing. When the meeting is shared with view-only access, it will be labeled as "View only".

Check out this article to learn more about the idea of collaborative meetings with Krisp.


Auto-share your meetings


This feature is being gradually rolled out, and we appreciate your patience as we complete the process.

Unlike the manual sharing option represented in the article—where you need to share meeting content manually—Krisp’s Auto-Share feature allows you to automatically share meeting transcripts, notes, and recordings with participants from your calendar invite inside your workspace.

This reduces manual tasks, enhances collaboration, and ensures everyone stays aligned with meeting outcomes.


To use the Auto-Sharing feature, ensure you have Krisp version 2.48.6 or higher and your calendar is connected to Krisp. For more information, check out this article.


When will the Auto-Sharing feature work?

There are a few prerequisites for Krisp’s Auto-Sharing feature to detect and share meetings with your meeting participants. Here’s how the process works:

  1. Calendar event detection and auto-sharing

    The Auto-Share feature detects the meeting calendar ID corresponding to the meeting you’ve joined.

    Krisp uses this ID to share the meeting content (Transcripts, Notes, and Recordings) with participants from the same workspace who were included in the calendar invite.


    On Mac devices, Krisp only sends the meeting calendar ID when you join the meeting by clicking the Join button in the Krisp notification.


    On Windows devices, Krisp sends the meeting calendar ID when you join the meeting by clicking the Join button in the Krisp notification or from the Zoom or Teams apps.
  2. Single email instance
    If multiple people in your meeting are using Krisp, only one email will be sent to the rest of the invitees, ensuring they don’t receive duplicate notifications.

  3. Handling overlapping meetings
    If there are overlapping meetings with the same calendar ID, Krisp will not share the meeting to avoid confusion.

  4. Sharing with non-Krisp users
    If the users are not Krisp members yet, they will receive the shared content after creating a Krisp account with the same email address used in the meeting invite.

  5. Skip recap email if the meeting is shared
    If the meeting has already been shared with participants, Krisp will not send a meeting recap email again.

You can manage and adjust your auto-sharing preferences from the Meetings page in your Krisp web account dashboard.

The default state of the feature is ON.

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